Mon, Aug 16, 2021 1:00 AM –

Mon, Sep 6, 2021 5:00 PM (GMT+10)

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Think you take a pretty good snap? 📸 Like being active? 🤹‍♀️🏊‍♀️🤺then why not combine both!!!

Doug wants to see your best pics!! 😍

To enter the competition simply register for the event and then upload your photo(s) to the main feed of WesternLife and use the hashtag #westernsport 🤳

Event Link 👉

The rules are simple:

1. The photo must relate to the theme of Sport/Fitness/Activity and must be of appropriate content.

2. You must be RSVP'd to this event and upload your photo(s) to the main WESTERNLife feed with the hashtag #westernsport to be eligble for prizes 👩‍💻

3. By submitting your picture you are agreeing to allow us to put it into a powerpoint slideshow to use in some other online activity sessions 🧘‍♂️👍

4. There will be four winners:
a) $100 giftpay gift card will be awareded to the photo that receives the most hearts on the WESTERNLife feed.
b) 1 of 3 x $100 giftpay gift card will be awarded to 3 photos chosen by a panel of 3 staff and 2 students as a subjective "the one we like the most" vote 💰💰 (Max 1 prize per student)

5. Each student may upload a maximum of 3 photo's for consideration in the competition 🤟

If you have any questions at all please contact us via

File Attachments: Terms_and_conditions_for_Sports_Photo_Competition